Reset: pivot or push?
Join the fast for clarity.
This year, we will be listening to hear, RELEASE TO RECEIVE. Don't miss out on what God has for YOU as you enter a new year. He may be calling you to Pivot and change directions, enter a new venture or get out of an old one. He may be calling you to RELEASE some toxic relationships and make room to RECEIVE new ones. He may be telling you that today, you are strong enough to finally break free of that bad habit. But how will you know? During this fast, we are asking God, "what will you have me to do this year in my: Week 1 Relationship Goals Week 2- Health Goals Week 3- Financial Goals What should I release in order to receive God's plan for my life this year?" Here's how you can clearly know the answer. Fasting is how you can sharpen and tune your inner spirit to hear God's Voice. Imagine hearing clearly about your next level for your goals and dreams. Daniel fasted (vegan diet) for 21-days for "insight for and clarity" (chapter 9:22). Kings sought after him for his wisdom, skill and knowledge. They knew him to have a "spirit of excellence". Daniel shared his secret with us. I'm excited to have you join us on this journey of HEARING..... release to receive. |
Digital version v.6
Hyperlink, easy to use journal pages, and goals templates
fasting classroom
If you would like some additional resources for fasting, go to the classroom. If you missed the daily emails, you can view them in the classroom as well.